Tegaru Professionals Network Formation

Tigray Communities Forum North America

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In the beginning

It all began with a strong, non-profit organization established in Atlanta, Georgia with a handful of volunteers. Tigray Communities Forum North America (Forum) is a branch from the Tigray Communities Atlanta (TCA). The Chairman of the Forum Board is Mulugeta Gebru.

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The Forum is the launching point for the idea and vision behind the Tegaru Professionals Network (TPN). There are many Tigrayan-Diasporas Communities across North America, and the Forum gave us the opportunity to meet, greet and build together. Since then, we have been able to implement ideas, plans and initiatives to actively make a difference in our own local communities.

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Projected Growth Value

We are projected to launch TPN Chapters in key cities across the United States. Atlanta, Denver, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas and in due time, many more to come. What makes our organization unique is that we offer you a seat at the table to make your voices heard, regardless of your age or gender. We strive to address the specific needs of our youth through the development and deployment of detailed action plans. We are TPN!